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Trivia Challenge

  1. Make sure you're a registered member of We will contact the winner to request their mailing address to send the prize.
  2. Click on the "Play Today's Trivia" button on the top to get started.
  3. Study up! Our quizzes are not for the military faint of heart.

Think of it like a raffle. For each question you answer correctly, you'll receive one point, and for each point you'll earn an electronic raffle ticket. At the end of the month, we'll have a random drawing of all the tickets and pull out one to determine the winner. Play as little or as much as you'd like during the month, but the more questions you answer correctly, the greater your chances of winning!

Sure, there are regulations and restrictions, but nothing you wouldn't expect. And of course, by entering the Trivia Challenge, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the official game rules.

Good luck!