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Space Available Flight: Basic Rules & Regulations

U.S. Air Force service members board a C-5M Super Galaxy from the Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland Passenger Terminal at old Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, Feb. 7, 2017. (Photo: U.S. Air Force)
U.S. Air Force service members board a C-5M Super Galaxy from the Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland Passenger Terminal at old Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, Feb. 7, 2017. (Photo: U.S. Air Force)
  • Leave Status for Travel: Uniformed Services members on active duty must be in a leave or pass status to register for space-available travel, remain in a leave or pass status while awaiting travel, and be in a leave or pass status the entire period of travel. DoD civilian employees must be in a leave or nonduty (i.e., weekend or holiday) status to register for space-available travel. If in a nonduty status, leave must have been approved for the first normal working day following the nonduty period. A leave status must then be maintained while awaiting travel and for the entire period of travel. Those members in appellate leave status are not authorized space-available travel privileges.
  • Space available passengers travel only after all duty cargo and passengers have been accommodated. All available seats are released, but there is no guaranteed movement in the preferred time frame, Have sufficient funds available to complete travel using commercial transportation if necessary.
  • Space available (Space A) eligible travelers may not use their privilege for personal gain or in connection with business enterprises or employment. Space A travel may not be used to establish a home or when international or theater restrictions prohibit such travel.
  • Dependents traveling on Space A: Dependents of active duty and retired military personnel are authorized CONUS travel with their sponsor as a result of the 2003-2004 Dependent CONUS test. All other dependents may not travel within the CONUS except as follows:
  • Dependents of active duty and retired uniform service military personnel, when accompanied by their sponsor (must have emergency status indicated in leave orders). Dependents may travel on domestic leg segments of international flights during the beginning or end of their international flight. For example, if a flight originates in Texas, stops in California as part of the mission, and then continues overseas, family members eligible for travel may fly from Texas to the overseas area on the flight. They may not, however, travel just simply Texas to California (unless traveling with their sponsor as previously noted).
  • Except EML, Emergency Travel, and Command Sponsored Category V, family members must be accompanied by the sponsor to fly Space A.
  • Space A seats are normally identified as early as 2-3 hours and as late as 30 minutes prior to departure. Recommend checking with the passenger service center for the space available show time prior to departing the terminal. Be ready for immediate processing and boarding.
  • Travelers are assigned a category upon registering for travel and compete for seats within categories based on the date and time of registration. This date and time of sign-up is valid through to destination; a new date and time are assigned for return travel. Travelers may stand by for any available flight.
  • Space required passengers or cargo may require the removal of Space A passengers at any point. If removed en route, travelers may re-register with their original date and time of registration. Passenger agents will assign a new date and time to any country changed or added to an application. Names of all originating space available passengers who depart on a flight will be removed from all destinations. Travelers should be prepared to purchase onward or return commercial transportation, meals, and lodging.
  • Travelers remain on the register for 60 days or the duration of their leave orders or authorization, whichever occurs first.
  • Baggage: Each passenger may check two pieces of checked baggage, 70 pounds each, up to 62 linear inches in size. Family members may pool their baggage allowances. Hand-carried baggage must fit under the seat or in the overhead compartment, if available. NOTE: Baggage weight may be limited due to type of aircraft or other restrictions.
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