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Paying For College: Navy ROTC Scholarships

Navy ROTC scholarships handed out
Rear Adm. Robin Graf, deputy commander of Navy Recruiting Command, shakes hands with Midshipmen Devin Woodfork after presenting him with a Naval ROTC scholarship check during the 21st Southern Heritage Classic football game in Memphis, Tennessee. (Petty Officer 3rd Class Chelsea Kennedy/U.S. Navy)

As the largest single source of Navy and Marine Corps officers, the NROTC Scholarship Program fills a vital need in preparing mature young men and women for leadership and management positions in an increasingly technical Navy and Marine Corps. The following is a list of NROTC scholarship programs:

The NROTC Four-Year Scholarship:

  • Full tuition at one of the listed college or universities
  • All colleges/university educational fees
  • Stipend for text books
  • Provide all uniforms
  • Subsistence allowance each academic month:
    • Freshmen receive $250
    • Sophomores receive $300
    • Juniors receive $350
    • Seniors receive $400

The NROTC Two-Year Scholarship:

  • Covers final two years of college.
  • Provides tuition, fees, textbooks and uniforms for two academic years.
  • Subsistence allowance for a maximum of 20 months.
  • Open to college students who have completed their sophomore year or third year in a five-year curriculum.
  • Deadline date: March 15 of the applicant's sophomore year.
  • On graduation, commission as ensign, U.S. Naval Reserve or second lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.
  • Total military service obligation is eight years, at least four of which must be active duty.

NROTC College Program

  • Two- or four-year programs.
  • Applicants selected from students already attending or accepted by colleges with NROTC programs.
  • Pays for uniforms and instructional fees for naval science courses.
  • College program students selected for "advanced standing" receive a stipend for maximum of 20 months. Advance standing is only available starting the junior year of college. Stipend per academic month is $350 junior year and $400 senior year.
  • Students will complete naval science and other university courses, a few specific university courses and attend one summer training session.
    • Normally at sea for Navy officers.
    • Normally at Quantico, Virginia, for Marine Corps-option midshipmen.
  • Four-year applicants apply through professors of naval science upon commencement of freshman year.
  • Two-year applicants apply before spring of sophomore year.
  • When accepted, two-year applicants will attend 6½-week Naval Science Institute program in Newport, Rhode Island, during summer between sophomore and junior years.
    • On graduation, two- and four-year College Program midshipmen may be commissioned ensigns in the Naval Reserve or second lieutenants in the Marine Corps Reserves.
    • Obligation of eight years of commissioned service, at least three of which must be active duty.

Navy Nurse Corps NROTC Program

  • Available to students interested in pursuing bachelor of science degree in nursing (BSN).
  • If selected for scholarship, selectee must major in a nursing degree program leading to BSN.
  • On graduation, Nurse NROTC Scholarship Program midshipmen commissioned as reserve officers in Navy Nurse Corps.
  • Nurse NROTC eligibility and selection procedures same as regular four-year NROTC Scholarship Program requirements.
  • Academic, physical and military requirements differ slightly from regular NROTC.
  • Nurse NROTC Scholarship Program not for those pursuing any other medical program.
  • More information on the Navy Nurse NROTC Scholarship.

More Scholarship Programs

The Tweedale Scholarship:

  • Each unit professor of Naval Science (PNS) is assigned two Tweedale Scholarships each year.
  • Program focused on students majoring in specific technical fields.

Criteria for selection:

  • Student must have completed at least one but no more than four academic terms with a cumulative GPA that places student above peer mean or 3.0, whichever is higher.
  • Transcript must reflect grade of "C" or better in all courses attempted.
  • Student must have completed one academic term of college-level math or science.
  • Will be required to complete Naval Science Course 101 as soon as possible.
  • Students interviewed by PNS and must comply with standards regarding leadership potential and military/physical fitness.
  • Submit a revised degree plan for review by PNS; degree plan must be verified by student's faculty adviser and demonstrate that student will be able to complete all naval science requirements and still graduate on time with assigned class-year group.
  • Majors in:
    • Engineering
    • Mathematics
    • Computer science
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
  • Strong math/science background in high school and "B" or better in calculus, if completed.

Historically Black College (HBC) Scholarship Program

There are limited scholarships available to attend Historically Black Colleges. Applicants must meet the same minimum qualification criteria used for the four-year national scholarship. To apply for one of these scholarships, contact one of the below schools:

  • Florida A&M
  • Hampton (Virginia)
  • Morehouse College (Atlanta)
  • Norfolk State (Virginia)
  • Prairie View A&M (Texas)
  • Savannah State (Georgia)
  • Southern (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)

Full information concerning the NROTC Scholarship Program is available from any of the colleges and universities with NROTC units or from Navy and Marine Corps recruiters. A list of colleges and universities is available on this website at the Colleges and Universities page.

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