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Navy ROTC Nursing Degree Programs

NROTC nursing degree programs
Rear Adm. David F. Steindl, commander, Naval Service Training Command, visits Jacksonville University's Lazzara Health and Science Building on Oct. 16, 2012. Steindl visited three Florida Naval ROTC units -- Jacksonville, University of Florida and the University of South Florida -- and attended the annual Association of NROTC Colleges and Universities conference in Tampa, Fla., Oct. 16-18. (Midshipman 2nd Class Jan Sangrones/Jacksonville University)

The Navy has many opportunities for young men and women interested in careers in nursing and health care. The following information will help you to determine whether you qualify for this challenging area of naval service. The following is a quick look at the highlights of the NROTC Scholarship Nurse Option:

  • It is available to students interested in pursuing a bachelor of science degree in nursing (BSN)
  • It is awarded annually
  • If you are selected for scholarship, you must major in a nursing degree program leading to a BSN.
  • While in the program, male and female students participate in NROTC and are referred to as midshipmen.
  • Upon graduation, NROTC Scholarship Nurse Option midshipmen are commissioned as reserve officers in the Navy Nurse Corps.


NROTC nurse program participants receive the following benefits:

  • All tuition costs
  • Textbook voucher of $250 per semester or $167 per quarter
  • Lab fees
  • Subsistence allowance:
    • Starts at $250 per month for freshman year.
    • Increases to $300, $350 and $400 at the start of sophomore, junior and senior years, respectively.


To be eligible for the NROTC Scholarship Nurse Option, you must be:

  • A U.S. citizenship
  • 17 years of age by Sept. 1 of the year starting college and less than 23 on June 30 of that year; must not have reached your 27th birthday on June 30 of the year in which college graduation and commissioning are anticipated
  • A high school graduate or possess equivalency diploma
  • Meet the physical requirements in accordance with Navy standards
  • Gain admission to a university that has an NROTC affiliation and offers a state-approved or National League for Nursing (NLN)-approved bachelor's degree in nursing
  • Meet the qualifying college entrance exam (ACT or SAT) minimum scores:
    • SAT -- 530 critical reading, 520 math
    • ACT -- 22 English, 22 math
  • Meet the following academic requirements by completing the following courses:
    • Introduction to Naval Science.
    • Seapower and Maritime Affairs
    • Leadership and Management I and II
  • And the following military service requirements:
    • Participate in weekly NROTC drill instruction periods.
    • Participate in two summer training periods of four weeks.
  • Accept a military service obligation of eight years, four of which must be served in active-duty status.
  • If disenrolled voluntarily or disenrolled for academic or disciplinary reasons after completion of the first year of study, you may be required to serve a minimum of two years of active enlisted service or make a monetary payment to cover the cost of the benefits received.

Selection Procedure

The following outlines the NROTC Scholarship Nurse Option selection procedure.

  • The NROTC Scholarship Nurse Option selection board considers all formal application packages received.
  • Applicants are notified of selection status by April of the year they would enter college.
  • Selectees who are physically qualified and have been accepted by an NROTC university or college are notified by the Chief of Naval Education and Training Pensacola, Florida.
  • Selectees who accept scholarships will be directed to their NROTC unit/university for the fall term.

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